Jet Profiler 1.0.8 released

Posted March 9th by Jet Profiler team
Jet Profiler v1.0.8 is now available. The biggest change is for Windows Vista / Windows 7 users, where the software no longer needs to run as administrator. This improves usability for companies where running as an administrator is a security concern. For this to work, a reinstall is required.

Jet Profiler now works on Intel 32 bit Mac Machines! Snow Leopard is required, as it includes the necessary Java version.

The release also contains some bug concerning memory leaks and software updates.

To upgrade the software, select Help, Check for upgrades from the menu. More details...


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andre falgon | December 23rd at 08:46
test with
John Foster | January 23rd at 13:02
I'm really satisfied with JetProfiler! You did a great job!
Bjorn | January 24th at 16:14
Thanks John!

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